What are CCTV & alarm systems?
In today’s world, CCTV is no stranger to our lives. For example, we have installed dash cameras in our cars to discourage thieves from breaking into our cars. The same is advisable for our homes.
CCTVs are a common security feature that many homeowners and businesses utilize in securing their loved ones, businesses, and assets. It is estimated that 5,000 CCTV cameras have been installed in the Kuala Lumpur region in Malaysia as of 2022. (Source: # of CCTV cameras in the world’s top 150 most populated cities | Created with Datawrapper)
CCTV and house alarm systems can complement each other, acting as an extra pair of eyes and senses for you to fully protect your home and loved ones. CCTV and alarm systems are the basic security measure for every family and business’s security needs. They help make your home secure and ensure your business is running smoothly.
So, what are CCTV and alarm systems? How do they work and why do we need them?
What is CCTV?
CCTV stands for Closed-Circuit Television. It is a video surveillance system that records and monitors the area under surveillance for security purposes. CCTVs today provide remote monitoring functions for your security needs.
How does CCTV work?
CCTV can record footage and capture images, then transmit them to a recording device or an online database. Criminals understand and are cautious of this function, which is why just the sight of CCTV cameras in your home can deter burglars, thus preventing crime and attempted break-ins.
According to “A Study on The Effectiveness of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera’s Installation At High Rise Office Buildings Case Study: Perak State, Malaysia” (source: 255-260.pdf (aensiweb.net)), recent statistics by Bryan Low (2014) in an article supported by trusted sources saw that CCTV helped reduce crime in areas of coverage up to 95%.
As technology has advanced, we can now remotely access our CCTV feeds and records through efficient and secure smartphone apps wherever we may be. We can now engage in 24-hours remote monitoring services provided by security suppliers such as SECOM Smart Malaysia, in monitoring our homes, valuables, and loved ones at our convenience.
How to install CCTV
CCTV installation is best carried out by your security provider’s certified technicians, for airtight functionality and best performance from the CCTV system.
When securing your home with SECOM Smart Malaysia, we would provide certified technicians for the CCTV installation process, making sure that the process and service provided is reliable in making your home secured.
Another interesting fact to note is to be wary of the CCTV installation location. Make sure that the CCTV location is not invading into the privacy of your neighbors and or neighborhood. You might think that it is not a big deal where the CCTV installation would be, but interestingly enough, a court case has taken place in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, which was first published in 2010. The court case evolved around the disputes between two neighbors with one (Lew) claiming that the other (Pua) had set up a CCTV camera looking into Lew’s home. (Source: A Malaysian family got sued because their CCTV was | AskLegal.my & Lew Cher Phow @ Lew Cha Paw & Ors v Pua Yong Yong & Anor – Foong Cheng Leong & Co)
Even though the plaintiff lost the case, it was still a major inconvenience with the court process for both parties. To save yourself the heartache and headache of such a case, it is recommended to review and confirm that the CCTV installation location is not of any intrusion or inconvenience to your home and those around you.
CCTV options available from SECOM Smart Malaysia
SECOM Smart Malaysia, a provider of security options in Malaysia, offers a wide range of Wi-Fi CCTV cameras for your home and business needs. With our on-board 24/7 recording feature, no movement goes undetected in your home or business premise. With our cloud server recording function and VPN in our CCTVs, tampering with the recordings on the device is prohibited, keeping your CCTV hacker-free.
SECOM Smart Malaysia’s CCTV live footage can also be viewed via our smartphone app, allowing remote monitoring of your home or business through your very own smartphone, wherever you may be. Our 24/7 recording feature also allows you to monitor your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the live feed on our app. Your business and home are secured through our app monitoring feature.
Now that we have a rough idea and understanding of CCTV, let’s look at alarm systems.
What is an alarm system?
Alarm systems consist of a chain of devices designed to alert owners and administrators of unauthorized and unwanted access, movement, or other events. They function as crime deterrence as well.
In case of a break in, the alarm system will send a signal to users via security apps such as SECOM Smart security app.
How do alarm systems work?
In general, alarm systems function as triggers that alert users of unwanted accidents or breaches that have occurred under the area of surveillance. Some home alarm system providers such as SECOM Smart Malaysia, can assist users to contact respective authorities when unusual activity is detected.
Some alarm systems provide 24-hour monitoring services. Security professionals will keep an eye out on your home and business on behalf of you for any unwanted motion and forces during attempted break-ins or intrusion. Fulfilling a big part of homeowners and business owner’s security needs.
How to install an alarm system
House alarm systems are a part of a complex and precise security network that would require precision and expertise for its installation. It is recommended that property owners consult and enlist a qualified security firm’s installation team.
SECOM Smart Malaysia’s installation team are qualified experts, with rigorous training and over 10 years of experience in the field. Our team will proactively tackle and overcome your security challenges, such as the most effective placement of CCTV units and sensors to cover the widest area of surveillance, while leaving the least number of blind spots around the monitored area on the premises.
Alarm system from SECOM Smart Malaysia
When abnormal activity is detected, SECOM Smart Malaysia’s security system will trigger an alert to notify the owner or administrator. In case the user is absent from the premises (home or shop etc.), our 24-hour monitoring center will contact the relevant authorities as soon as possible in place of the absent user.
SECOM Smart Malaysia also offers a wide variety of sensors to accommodate your security needs. Sensors such as shock sensors and vibration sensors are designed to deter any attempted intrusion and to send intruders running.
Another key feature that SECOM Smart Malaysia provides, as an extension of our alarm system, is the Geo-location Notification Service. It is a location-based service that reminds users, should they leave their property without arming their security system and sensors, that their security system has been left unarmed. For example, if you leave your home unoccupied, and forgot to enable your house alarm system, an alert will be sent to you via your security app. You can then arm your house alarm system from the app.
CCTV and alarm systems
It is easy to picture CCTV working with alarm systems. In fact, CCTV is now merged as part of most alarm systems. CCTV provides surveillance images and videos while sensors provide alerts for a wide range of unwanted events. Users can combine the utility of both CCTV cameras upon alarm alerts from sensors.
SECOM Smart Malaysia’s Smart Security service provides very flexible options of cameras and sensors. Both our CCTV and alarm systems can function as an integrated system and, individually.
How this works is that SECOM Smart Malaysia’s alarm system has a back-up battery and sim card installed inside the device. When the CCTV camera is cut off during a power outage, the alarm system is still sustained by the back-up battery keeping it online. The joint security system will notify property owners when power has been cut off, or when one or more of the sensors and CCTV devices have been tampered with. With these measures, we ensure that neither power outages nor deliberate sabotage can let burglars or kidnappers sneak into your property undetected. Allowing the alarm system to work independently while the CCTV system is cut off.
Apart from a blackout, SECOM Smart Malaysia’s sensors can still sense intruder’s movements that are under the CCTV blind spots or out of the CCTV’s vision field. These sensors will notify you via the security app, meeting your security needs through a comprehensive security network.
And if you are still wondering if you should equip your home, business, work location, office, shop, restaurant etc. with CCTV or alarm systems, the answer is yes.
The benefits of securing your home, loved ones, businesses, and employees are limitless with the presence of CCTV and alarm systems.
Furthermore, SECOM Smart Malaysia provides a wide variety of solutions in choosing the right CCTV and alarm system for your home, business, family, and travel security needs. The option of remote monitoring your home, family or business helps you rest easy when away, knowing that your business and home is secured.
Contact us today to learn more about our CCTV, alarms, and other security features to accommodate your security needs.